[牛爸的COSTCO分享]KS精選胡桃(PECAN HALVES) @ 小牛謙謙與樂樂的生活日記 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 KIRKLAND SIGNATURE精選胡桃,2磅(908g)/包/419元,100g/46.15元,1斤/277元。 這篇原本是想在介紹「威寶BM-500+劉師傅麵粉,做饅頭啦!」單元中順便與大家分享。 但想來想去似乎與主題不符,所以貼上去沒多久就撤掉了。 踫巧牛媽又到COSTCO添購一 ...
CW Racing - BMXmuseum.com Roger Worsham - Coast Wheels Bike Shop CW has been resurrected.. From the NEW website: CW Racing has a long and proud heritage spanning four decades. It has re-emerged out of the love and passion for old school BMX. From it's humble beginnings in the ...
Boss Bicycles - BMXmuseum.com Boss Bicycles, made in Hayward, CA. Owned by Carlo Lucia, and started in northern California. Carlo also designed and manufactured the first Panda's and Pattersons in the early '80s. After that, Bill Dumas and Steve Wilcox should get some credit for keepi
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